FUTA Don Wins 2023 National Young Scientists’ Prize in Mathematics

An alumnus and lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Federal University of Technology Akure, Dr. Afeez Abidemi, has emerged winner of the prestigious Prof. Aderemi Kuku National Young Scientists’ Prize in Mathematics for 2023.

The award, established by the Nigerian Young Academy (NYA) with generous donations from the late Prof. Aderemi O. Kuku, aims to promote original research in Mathematics, particularly among young researchers under 45 years of age in Nigeria.

Abidemi’s exemplary contributions in the field of mathematical sciences earned him the recognition, serving as an inspiration for fellow researchers to pursue excellence in their work.

In the letter announcing his award signed by Prof Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji of the NYA, the academy noted that it received many competitive applications that were subjected to a rigorous evaluation process, but that of Dr Abidemi was adjudged the best.

The letter further reads: “It gives me great pleasure to inform you of your selection as the winner of the 2023 edition of the Prof. Aderemi Kuku National Young Scientists’ Prize in Mathematical Sciences.

“This is an annual award aimed at recognizing young Nigerians who have demonstrated research prowess and made outstanding contributions in the field of Mathematical Sciences.”

The award, which includes prize money and an award certificate, was presented to Abidemi at the formal opening ceremony of the 13th International Conference and General Assembly of the Academy, held at the Edo State University, on 15th August, 2023.

The Vice-Chancellor of FUTA, Professor Adenike Oladiji, has congratulated Abidemi describing him as a pride to FUTA.

“This is another remarkable achievement underscoring the excellence of members of the faculty of our great university. Dr Abidemi has shown the world that FUTA is a citadel of academic excellence where research is taken seriously,” she said.

Dr. Abidemi obtained his BTech and MTech degrees from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, FUTA, in 2011 and 2015 respectively. He undertook his PhD studies at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in December 2020.

He is currently a Post-doctoral Scientist and Mathematical Modeler at the International Centre for Applied Mathematical Modelling and Data Analytics (ICAMMDA), Federal University of Oye-Ekiti.