Cross River Bans Okada in Calabar

The Calabar metropolis, capital city of Cross River State has implemented a ban on the operation of commercial motorcyclists, commonly referred to as Okada.

The government made this announcement through a statement released on Wednesday.

According to Emmanuel Ogbeche, the governor’s chief press secretary, the reason for this was to establish a Cross River that was safe and secure.

Ogbeche further said that any person found violating this directive would be subjected to legal action and prosecution.

The statement read, “His Excellency Senator (Prince) Bassey Otu, after due consultation with key security chiefs in the state, has directed as follows: A total ban on the activities of all commercial motorcyclists within the Calabar metropolis.

“Those willing to use their motorcycles to earn a decent living are restricted only to remote areas away from the city centre.

“Anyone caught going against this directive will have the motorcycle impounded and the offender prosecuted.”

The state government also warned individuals who vandalised public facilities such as street lights, lamp posts, and traffic lights to stop immediately, adding that those who broke the regulation would be punished.

Other state governments have also restricted the operations of commercial motorcyclists to the outskirts of their capital cities.

In May 2022, the Lagos State government announced a “complete ban” on commercial motorcyclists in six local government areas in the state, including Ikeja, Surulere, Eti Osa, Lagos Mainland, Lagos Island, and Apapa.