4.5 Billion People Lack Essential Health Services in 2021 -WHO

The WHO’s call to action coincides with World Health Day, under the theme ‘My health, my right,’ emphasizing the fundamental human right to quality healthcare, education, and a clean environment.

As the global community commemorates World Health Day, the WHO has underscored the pressing need for governments worldwide to prioritize healthcare infrastructure and ensure equitable access to health services.

Despite the recognition of health as a human right in the constitutions of 140 countries, significant gaps remain in translating these principles into actionable policies that guarantee universal health coverage.

The WHO’s message at Aw resonates with concerns about the escalating prevalence of diseases, disasters, and conflicts worldwide, which disproportionately impact vulnerable populations.

From the devastating toll of conflicts on human lives to the insidious effects of air pollution on public health, the challenges to global health equity are multi-faceted and urgent.

In response to these challenges, the WHO has outlined a comprehensive framework for action, urging governments to invest in healthcare infrastructure and primary health care systems.

The organization emphasizes the importance of transparent governance, community engagement, and data-driven decision-making to address health disparities effectively.

Moreover, WHO calls for concerted efforts to safeguard the right to health in conflict zones, ensuring the protection of health infrastructure and personnel and uninterrupted access to essential services for affected populations.

By prioritizing health as a fundamental human right and implementing inclusive policies, governments can mitigate adverse impact of socio-economic inequalities on public health outcomes.

In Abuja, Nigeria, WHO’s call to action is echoed through series of events, including the ‘Walk the Talk’ campaign and a health colloquium, aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing support for universal health coverage.

Through such initiatives, WHO seeks to galvanize global solidarity and collective action towards achieving health equity for all.