‘Power Supply Won’t Blink in My State Until End of My Tenure — Abiodun Boasts

Ogun State governor, Dapo Abiodun, has pledged the commitment of his administration to ensuring that there is consistent power supply across the state till its tenure expires in four years time.

Speaking during an appearance on Channels TV Sunday Politics, the governor said: “The fact is that in the next four years, my target is to ensure we implement our ‘Light Up Ogun State’ project, where before I leave office, the light will not blink in Ogun State.”

Giving an account of his first term as governor of the South-West state, Abiodun stated that his government rebuilt or renovated over 1,000 schools.

“Over 1,000 schools have been rebuilt or renovated in four years,” he said on the current affairs show, adding that his government had also built roads, and hospitals and helped in the creation of job opportunities for the teeming masses.

He also stated that Ogun State was one of the few states in the country that could survive without dependence on allocations from the federal government.

“I am sure that you are aware of a recent release by Budgit that showed Ogun State as the number one in the most improved for internally generated revenue – by miles ahead of any other state.

“At the same time, we are also, I believe, maybe number five or seven on the list of most resilient states and one of the few states that can actually survive peradventure there is no allocation from the Federal Government”, the governor said.

Recall that the Court of Appeal sitting in Lagos, last Friday, dismissed the appeal by the candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Ladi Adebutu, and affirmed Dapo Abiodun as the duly elected governor of Ogun State in the March 18 poll.