Oyo Govt Invasion: US Afenifere Condemns Agitators, Calls for Restructuring

The United States of America chapter of Afenifere, a Yoruba socio-political group, has joined well-meaning Nigerians, particularly people of South-West Nigeria to condemn the unwholesome conduct of some unscrupulous elements that invaded Oyo State secretariat on Saturday April 13, 2024, in a bid to forcibly take over government.

A statement signed by Dr. Duro Akindutire, Dr. Bukola Ogunsoyin and Dr. Michael Awosanya, president, secretary and public relations officer respectively, the group said it would not fold it’s hands and watch an over ambitious few plunge Yorubaland into needless crisis.

Stating that the law of the land unambiguously makes provision for mechanisms for citizens to air their grievances and dissatisfaction with the government, the diaspora Aferifere added that such mechanisms did not include a separatist agenda or forcible take-over of democratically elected government.

“Having seen this movie before, we members of Afenifere US chapter will not fold our hands and watch some overambitious and undesirable elements plunge the Southwest into crisis. We know for a fact the constitution of the land has provisions for citizens to air their grievances and dissatisfaction with the government. We know also, such provisions do not include a separatist agenda or forceful takeover of democratically elected government”, the group stated, adding “…any attempt by anybody or group to scuttle our democracy under any guise is criminal, unacceptable, and will be resisted by the people.”

The America chapter of Afenifere maintained that going by some viral videos of the theatrical and clownish scenes, it was obvious that th misguided characters were being sponsored by some anti-democratic forces residing in and outside Nigeria.

It noted that while the unfortunate incident might pass for a poorly scripted Nollywood comedy, the group called on the National Security Adviser to treat it as a matter of threat to national security.

“We specifically urge the NSA to collaborate with the police to bring all the perpetrators to book, including launching a manhunt for the others at large”, the group stated.

The group, however, commended the nation’s security agencies in foiling the unlawful act.

“We hail our security agents, including the army, Police and Amotekun for a job well done in thwarting this insurrection”, Afenifere stated, adding “We also commend Governor Seyi Makinde and members of Oyo State Government for the courage and maturity demonstrated during the incident.”

Afenifere US chapter, which, according to the statement, commended President Tinubu on some of the milestones of his administration, however reminded him of the need to restructure the country as a matter of urgency, saying it strongly believed that restructuring was the only way out of Nigeria’s political quagmire, a position, it contended, had not changed.

“We call on Mr. President and the National Assembly to do the needful by restructuring the country for balanced, equitable and effective governance”, it concluded.

16th of April 2024