King of Oyotunji – USA Joined His Ancestors

July 30, 2024

Oba Adejuyigbe Adefunmi II, the leader of Oyotunji African Village in Beaufort County, South Carolina, was allegedly stabbed to death by his sister during a heated argument.

The incident occurred on Monday, July 29, 2024.

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) received a report of a stabbing around 2:45 p.m. at the village on Bryant Lane.

The victim, a 47-year-old, was taken to a nearby hospital where he died from his injuries.

The suspect, identified as 53-year-old Akiba Kasale Meredith, had left the scene on foot, but was found shortly afterward.

She was charged with murder and taken to the Beaufort County Detention Center.

Founded in 1970, the Oyotunji African Village is meant to emulate villages of the Yoruba religion in modern-day Nigeria.

Its current population is believed to consist of less than 20 families, although the community was home to over 200 people at its height in the 1970s.