Israel-Gaza War: Nigeria Should be at Fore-front to Liberate Palestine — Shari’ah Council

The Supreme Council for Shari’ah in Nigeria (SCSN) has called on the Nigerian government to
emulate the government and opposition party of South Africa who condemned the actions of Israel on Gaza.

SCSN said Nigeria should be at the fore-front of the struggle for the liberation of the oppressed people of Palestine and in places such as Myanmar, Kashmir, China and India.

Addressing journalists on Thursday in Abuja, the President of SCSN, Sheikh AbdurRasheed Hadiyyatullah, urged the Federal Government to review its relations with Israel until it respects International Law and the rights of Palestinians.

“The UN and the international community to stop this hypocrisy, apply international law equally on everybody and pursue the realization of the two states solution in Palestine diligently, so as to bring to an end this callousness, bloodshed and suffering in that part of the world.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria to emulate the Government and opposition party of South Africa who condemned the actions of the Zionist State of Israel. It should immediately assume its leadership position in Africa as it was during the Murtala Administration.

“It should be in the forefront of the struggle for the liberation of the oppressed people of Palestine and in places such as Myanmar, Kashmir, China and India.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria should urgently review its relations with the Zionist State of Israel until it respects International Law and the rights of Palestinians.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria on behalf of the teeming Muslims and Christians and people of conscience in Nigeria, should as a matter of urgency, provide relief materials to the besieged Palestinians who are in dire need of food, clothing, medicine and other essentials.

“Nigerian humanitarian organizations and mosques are hereby called upon to mobilize assistance to the distressed people of Palestine”, he said.

The council called on all Muslims and people of other faiths to offer special prayers invoking Allah, The Most High, to come to the aid of the Palestinians and all oppressed people of the world.”

Sheikh Hadiyyatullah said Muslim Organizations were deeply concerned about what he described as the on-going genocide in Palestine.

He alleged that the international community had failed to address the root cause of this conflict largely because of the government of the United States of America, which had consistently offered unconditional support to the Zionist occupiers of Palestine.