Biden: Things Getting Messier as More Ranking Democrats Ask Him to Step Aside

July 21, 2024

Last week we dealt at some length with the confusion that has descended on the Democratic party, especially the Biden campaign, since his calamitous debate performance against Donald Trump on 27 June, 2024. Things have since gone south for both entities.

Indeed, were Donald Trump‘s would -be assassin, two weeks ago, a member of the Democratic party or had the incident happened in Nigeria, a mini World War 111 would, by now, have started in either country; in Nigeria, because of our highly toxic and atavistic politics. Happily it did not happen here and Thomas Matthew Crooks turned out a registered Republican though said to have once donated 15 dollars to a Democratic cause.

A classmate who took a history class with him was reported to have told the Enquirer that he definitely was politically conservative, and wondered why “he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.

The assassination attempt has now literally become history, remaining at best, a job for the security agencies and congress both of which would definitely probe deeper into the terrible security lapse.

That has, once again, brought to the frontburner, the ‘civil war’ raging, and seemingly, consuming the Democratic party which has gone into a tailspin since President Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

That situation has been exacerbated, indeed, terribly worsened, by the increasing number of ranking members of the party now asking the President to opt out lest he destroys the party at the November election at which he could perform so badly the party may lose the House which it hopes to retake.

The timing of the internal crisis within the party is so terribly dispiriting to members coinciding, as it does, with a triumphant Donald Trump – the same foul – mouthed, democracy – loathing brat, who last Thursday was uproariously ‘crowned’ as the Republican Party candidate for the November election, as usual, serially lying through his teeth and, ipso facto, making the night the best for the Democrats in three weeks.

Trump, who had always categorised the election as one between strength and weakness, was all gaiety, in spite of his near death experience, while President Biden now walks with a noticeable difficulty; a situation certain to now worsen by the fact of his having contacted Covid -19.

He has been telling fellow democrats that the simple cure for his travails is for them to “get out there and show the sceptics that he has what it takes to run for, and win, a second term” – an absolute chimera in a situation where Trump is leading him hugely in all the key states.

Things are certainly not going Biden’s way at all.

Rather, an increasing number of ranking democrats are asking him to ship out. For instance, former House speaker Nancy Pelosi who had initially advised him to reconsider his position, is now reported to have privately told him that polls already show he cannot win, but could, instead destroy the party’s chances of winning the House in November if he insists on contesting. Pelosi was said to have sought the assistance of Biden’s longtime adviser, Mike Denilon, in driving this message home while there’s still time for the party.

Although it is being denied, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is also believed to have told him in unmistakable terms that he has to end his campaign now. Congressman Adam Schiff, who is contesting the Senate election in California, has added his voice to those asking Biden to drop out of the race.

Said Schiff, “while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is time for him to pass the torch and in doing so, secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election”. Continuing, Schiff said: “our nation is at a crossroads and a second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November”. Adam Schiff is a close ally of former House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

There is, however, an attempt by the Democratic National committee and, perhaps the Biden campaign, to fast track his formal nomination before August 7 in order not to run into any potential legal issues related to Biden’s ability to get on the ballot in Ohio, through a virtual endorsement, but a growing faction of the party believes that the President is too politically damaged to defeat Trump and has, therefore, advised the DNC to perish the thought. It has been suggested that this could make a complete mess of the Chicago Democratic party convention slated for 19 August, 2024 as it could eventuate in an intraparty clash between those insistent on fast tracking the formal nomination and those against. According to a leading member of the faction opposed to a virtual roll call vote, the President is already so terribly politically compromised that were the election to hold today, Biden would be crushed. This faction just do not want President Biden at the top of their ticket because of the damage they say that could cause, not only to the party, but for the future of America in the hands of a Donald Trump and his Republican party – a party now completely made in his image – in control of both the House and the Senate in addition to the presidency.

Americans, not just members of the Democratic party, are worried stiff about a Trump Second term. Indeed, Europe can barely breathe, Ukraine in particular, with Trump’s Vice Presidential candidate, the anti-Ukraine, pro -Israel and anti-China J.D Vance, already causing anxiety in Europe.

For a certanty what the world saw of Donald Trump in his first term will be a child play compared to the ogre he is certain to become at his second coming – no thanks to Heritage Foundation’s PROJECT 2025.

Organised with the aim of “promoting a collection of conservative and right -wing policy proposals to reshape the United states federal government and consolidate executive power in Donald Trump’s hands. Although he denies any link to them, many of his former staff are key members of Heritage Foundation. They are promoting totalitarianism under the lead of Trump who has always wanted to be like Putin, Xi and dictators in general. Trump campaign advisers are known to be in regular contact with the Foundation.

Among other things, the Project recommends the arrest, detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants. It proposes deploying the military for domestic law enforcement and canvasses capital punishment and the speedy finality of any of the sentences arising from their recommendations. The plan, as is already being showcased by the U. S Supreme court, proposes a partisan control of the Department 0f Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Commerce, the Federal c0mmunications commission and the Federal Trade commission. It recommends a complete dismantling of the Department of Homeland security. Project 2025 proposes abolishing Education whose programs would either be terminated completely or transferred to other agencies. Funding for climate research would be cut as it has no interest, whatever, in climate change. It also seeks to cut funding for Medicare and Medicaid.

Such are the draconian recommendations of Project 2025 you would not but wonder where in hell its promoters came from.

Critics have described all these as a programme of personal revenge and vendetta already being preached

by Donald Trump, just as it is intended to undo most of President Biden’s achievements in office.

I deliberately went to all this length about Project 2025 to show what extreme danger President Biden will be exposing, not only the U.S and the entire world, but his own place in the annals of U. S history to, if through his obduracy, and failure to hand over to a younger generation of Democrats as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi once did in the legislative branch, and thereby handed over America to a man about who J.D Vance, his selfsame Vice Presidential pick, once called a ‘social heroine and Hitler’, he would, by himself, have written off his legacy of long and meritorious service to America in the course of which he suffered truly unforgettable personal tragedies.

Yet as you read this, Biden still says he has not seen the compelling data to make him quit.

My prayer is that the good Lord will guide him in making the choice that will not only edify him but be beneficial to America and humanity.