Lae Professor Audu Ibrahim

Bauchi’s First Professor of Neurosurgery, Abdu Ibrahim, is Dead

The first Neurosurgery Professor in Bauchi State, Abdu Ibrahim, is dead.

He was said to have died on Thursday at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital, Bauchi, after a protracted illness.

Bauchi State governor, Bala Mohammed, who is currently on pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, has commiserated with the family, friends and associates of the late professor.

He also described the death as a “monumental loss” not only to his immediate family, but to Bauchi State and the country in general.

The governor, in a message signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mukhtar Gidado andmade available to journalists on Friday, said the deceased contributed immensely to the development of the health sector in the state.

Gidado, in the statement, said, “The late Professor Abdu Ibrahim will greatly be remembered by the citizens of the State because of his dogged commitment and enormous contributions in the area of healthcare delivery system since the creation of Bauchi State.

“As the first Professor of Neurosurgery in Bauchi State, the late Professor Abdu Ibrahim was a nationalist and a public health care icon. His death is a monumental loss to the entire nation.

“Governor Bala Mohammed, on behalf of his family, the government and the good people of Bauchi State, expresses his deep condolences to members of his immediate family, friends, colleagues, associates and the entire people of Bauchi State.

“He prayed that Allah would bless him with Aljanna firdaus and grant his family and the entire citizens of Bauchi State the fortitude to bear the loss.”