Yoruba Times Felicitates with Nigerians, Urges Perseverance

The Yoruba Times has felicitated with her readers, clients and well wishers on the Christmas and New Year festivities.

“The entire management and staff of The Yoruba Times felicitate with our reading public, clients, friends and well wishers on the Christmas and New Year festivities”, The Yoruba Times stated.

The statement noted that though the out-going year carried along with it truckloads of challenges, the effects of which are felt in every facet, it, however, observed that it pleased the Lord to strengthen the people of Nigeria to wade through the challenges unhurt.

It added that even where people sustained ‘bruises’, God was kind and faithful enough to provide a soothing balm.

TYT management admonished the people to embrace modesty as they go about celebrating this season, urging them to also go about the celebrations peacefully.

Stressing the need for perseverance as people continued to wade through the current hardship in the country, TYT expressed confidence that there was a silver lining at the end of the tunnel.

While urging the people to be security conscious and law abiding, TYT management prayed that the people witness and celebrate many more of the season.