Pelumi Nubi Set for London – Nigeria Solo Drive

A Nigerian, Pelumi Nubi, is ready for a solo drive from London to Nigeria, crossing 17 countries over two months to explore various cities and nations.

As a travel content creator, Ms. Nubi shared her plans on Instagram, stating her journey would kick off on Tuesday.

Inspired by discussions with others who undertook similar adventures, she noted absence of any black woman completing this journey.

While potentially setting a record as the first black woman to drive from London to Lagos, Nubi emphasized that the journey was not solely about breaking records.

According to her, it was about showing the world that ‘impossible’ is just a word, especially when someone had enough grit and determination.

The 29-year-old said she could not describe her current emotions, but was excited to put it out there, no matter the outcome finally.

In another post on her Instagram, she shed light on some questions that needed to be answered.

She noted that she was embarking on the journey as a solo black female traveller because she intended to show that such adventures were possible.

Nubi added that the adventure was to explore the beautiful continents of the world— pushing her limits and hopefully inspiring people [mainly black] to chase their dreams.

She described the adventure budget as a significant investment after a year of planning and saving.

Nubi revealed during her podcast interview that the entire trip would cost $15,000 – $20,000, covering fuel, accommodation, and other essential needs.

On her X handle @peluminubi_ she shared details of her journey starting from England.

“I’ll cross into France, then Spain, and head to Morocco. After that, it’s through the West Sahara Desert, Mauritania, Senegal; from Senegal to Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Ghana, Togo, Benin, and finally Nigeria, reaching Lagos. We will see how things go!”, she said.

She planned cutting costs by sleeping in her car, saying “For the freedom, folks! It allows me to be spontaneous, cuts costs and adds a dash of excitement. I honestly wanted to see if I could push myself out of my comfort zone and do something different.”

Her post has sparked numerous comments and reactions on X as a user @PrinceSomorin highlights some tips for her, saying “1) This route is already conquered even by motorcyclists.
2) Reach out to those who have done it before.
3) Don’t do live updates, but do have trusted people that you check in with.
4) Spare tyre, can of oil, portable water, liter of petrol.
5) Allegedly it’s mostly good road even in the desert until you enter Nigeria.
6) Be cognizant of each country’s law on protection device.
7) You can do it. Good luck.”

In an interview with Channels Television, she said the car she’s travelling in featured provisions for sleeping, cooking, dining, and washing.

“I honestly wanted to see if I could push myself out of my comfort zone and do something different,” she revealed on her X page (formerly Twitter).

She added that she was fully prepared for the journey, which she described as ‘something this massive’, saying ‘‘some days I am filled with so much excitement other days not so much.’’

She disclosed she had already visited over 80 countries, but added this adventure stood out.

“This is very daring in comparison to others. I have done many trials; this is more extended and more expensive regarding what it entails.

“I’m stepping out of my comfort zone compared to others I have done in the past. I’m travelling through different continents, different from others I have done. I want to explore each destination that I stop in. The total is about 17 countries where I’ll be able to explore some European countries, then cross into Morocco and keep making my way down West Africa.”

Previous record
Mr Adeyanju completed a 41-day trip from London to Lagos to raise funds to fight polio in Nigeria.

The 44-year-old, who departed London on 19 April 2023 and arrived in Lagos after slogging through more than 13,000 kilometres (8,000 miles) across 13 countries, made history as the first Nigerian to achieve the feat.

This quest has taken a similar trend to ‘Ajala the traveller’.