Islamic cleric calls for self-defense against terrorist

August 24, 2024

By Samuel Ogunsona

A renowned Islamic scholar and cleric, Muhammad Bello Aliyu Yabo, has called for self defense amidst escalating terrorist threats in Nigeria.

Yabo urge Nigerians to take matters into their own hands and defend themselves against terrorist attacks.

Addressing a congregation in the North, Yabo emphasized the importance of self-defense and urged citizens to acquire weapons, including guns, to protect themselves and their families.

Yabo’s plea comes amidst growing concerns over the government’s inability to effectively combat the escalating terrorist menace in the Northern region. The cleric’s message is clear: Nigerians can no longer rely solely on the government for protection.

“Self-defense is a necessary step for protection against increasing terrorist activities,” Yabo stressed. “Citizens must equip themselves with arms to safeguard their lives and properties.” He said.