Africa’s Growing Population Requires Agriculture, Technology to Feed — ARCN Boss

The Executive Secretary of Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), Professor Garba Sharubutu, has harped on the need to invest in agricultural research and technology by African governments in order to feed the growing population.

Professor Sharubutu stated this while speaking at the unveiling of former President Goodluck Jonathan as the Goodwill Ambassador of the African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF) in Abuja.

The ARCN boss however commended the AATF for driving change in agricultural research and technology dissemination through collaborations with public and private sectors.

“Africa’s agricultural landscape is one of immense promise and untapped potential. With a rapidly growing population, the importance of agricultural research and technological innovation cannot be overstated.

“The AATF has been at the forefront of driving change in agricultural research and technology dissemination. Through collaborative efforts with government and private sector, AATF has facilitated the development and deployment of innovative solutions to address some of the most pressing challenges faced by farmers in Africa.

“From drought tolerant to insect resistant crops, mechanization, seed system and management and improved breeding, AATF works aligns perfectly with the goals of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN) and all other agricultural research organizations in the continent together with their governments.

“In fact, this work is in line with the goals and aspirations of the African Union and its agencies on enhancing science, technology and innovation for agricultural development on the continent”, Professor Sharubutu said.

By unveiling Jonathan as Goodwill Ambassador, he said AATF had unveiled peace, justice, commitment, patience, humility, Nigeria, Africa and a global personality.

Sharubutu said the experience of the ex-president would undoubtedly catalyse progress and encourage international cooperation in the realm of agricultural development

He said the research and innovative work was not only about scientific advancement, but also about the lives they impact.

“The smallholder farmers who toil tirelessly to feed our nation, the families whose livelihoods depend on farming, and the future generation who will inherit our successes; these are the heart and souls of our efforts”, he noted.

Professor Sharubutu further stated that Jonathan’s exemplary leadership during his tenure as President of Nigeria brought to the fore the significance of sustainable agriculture practice as a means to achieve food security, economic growth and poverty reduction.

“Dr Jonathan’s acceptance of the role of AATF Goodwill Ambassador signifies his continued dedication to the advancement of agriculture in Africa.

“The Ambassador will be instrumental in advancing the awareness and understanding of these innovative technologies, he will seek to support at the regional and continental level and raise Africa’s voice globally on agricultural technology and transformation”, Professor Sharubutu noted.