75-Year-Old Arraigned For Forcing Widow To Drink Water Used To Bath Husband’s Corpse

The Anambra State Police Command on Wednesday arraigned a 75-year-old, Albert Eligbue, for allegedly forcing a widow, Patricia Eligbue, to drink water used to bathe husband’s corpse.

Eligbue, from Ogbaru Local Government Area of the state, was arraigned in the Children, Sexual and Gender- Based Violence Court in Awka, the state capital.

During court proceedings, the prosecutor, Inspector Onyema Ayogu told the court that the defendant was accused of forcing a widow and sister-in-law to drink water used to wash the corpse of her late brother-in-law as proof of her innocence over his death.

Ayogu said the defendant was facing five charges, including conspiracy to commit felony and assault, an offence punishable under sections 495(a) and 190 of the Criminal Code Cap 36 Vol. 11 revised laws of Anambra State of Nigeria, 1991.

Eligbue pleaded not guilty to the five charges preferred against him.

However, Magistrate Genevieve Osakwe, granted the defendant N500,000 bail with a surety to be the Traditional Ruler or President General of Atani community.

The case was further adjourned till June 7, 2023.

Credit: NAN