Yoruba Groups Reject MWANWU Festival in Lagos

The Conservative Progressive Groups have kicked against the proposed staging of MWANWU Festival in Lagos, arguing it’s a sacrilege.

In a letter addressed to the Lagos State Police Command and the state House of Assembly, the groups warned of an impending danger which might culminate in security breach should the festival be allowed to hold.

The letter signed by Dr. Bukola Adeniji, David Akingbade and Toba Oladimeji of Think Yoruba First, Yoruba Centre for Cultural Revival and Ibile Organization respectively stated: “We are writing to bring your attention to a matter of significant concern regarding a potential security breach that may impact our community. As concerned citizens and residents within your constituency, we hope that this issue can be addressed promptly and with the utmost attention to public safety.”

The groups continued: “We are writing about the event tagged ‘’MWANWU FESTIVAL,” a masquerade festival, which is scheduled to take place at the Elegushi Royal Beach on Tuesday, December 26th, 2023. This is tantamount to sacrilegious conduct and a breach of cultural norms and our heritage in the state, as Lagos historically and culturally has its own masquerades and major festivals. This is unacceptable and might cause a disruption of the event by indigenous masquerades that have existed in this land since the time of our ancestors.”

The impact of this event, the groups contended, might cause massive distrust between various cultures in the state and region, as this was considered a culturally sensitive issue.

“This is a call to action! The concerned Yoruba Conservative Progressive community is calling on the Lagos State Police command and the Lagos State House of Assembly to nip this issue in the bud and to order the cancellation of such a sacrilegious event and conduct an investigation into this unwarranted event, which didn’t receive any approval from local Yoruba Indigenous OBAs in the land and local priests who are custodian of the land’s do’s and don’t’s.

“To the Lagos State House of Assembly and the Lagos State Police Command, the Yoruba Conservative Progressives expresses our confidence in your commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the community”, the groups stated.

The groups suggested that the Lagos State government took the right step to address this issue of utmost regards importance before it degenerated into animosity in the future, saying “We are also calling on the police command to consider the safety of the communities involved.”