Tension Rises as Chinese Warship Lands in Nigeria

A warship from the Navy of the People’s Republic of China has arrived in Nigeria, causing tension and speculation.

The warship, named MSL Destroyer NANNING, docked in Lagos on Sunday morning for a diplomatic visit.

Officials from the Western Naval Command, led by Rear Admiral Joseph Akpan, received the vessel.

Both the Nigerian and Chinese governments have not released any official statements regarding the purpose of the warship’s visit.

However, it is worth noting that in 2014, several Chinese naval vessels visited Nigeria for a friendship visit, during which they engaged in training exercises with the Nigerian Navy.

The fleet that arrived in Lagos on a Saturday included the Type 054A guided missile frigate Yancheng, the Type 053H guided missile frigate Luoyang, and the supply ship Taihu.

The Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Gu Xiaojie, and Rear Admiral E.G. Ofik, the chief staff officer of the Nigerian Western Naval Command, welcomed the Chinese fleet and its crew of over 600 members.