Senate Releases Sectoral Details of N27.5trillion 2024 Budget

Senate releases sectoral details of N27.5trillion 2024 budget

The Ministries of Works, Finance, Defence and others, got a huge chunk of the N8.7 trillion capital component of the N27.5trillion 2024 budget as contained in the sectoral allocation details released by the Senate Committee on Appropriation on Friday.

In the proposed allocations, the Ministry of Works gets N521.3billion, followed by Federal Ministry of Finance with N519.9billion , while N308 2billion is earmarked for the Ministry of Defence.

Similarly , Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare , gets N304.4billion while Ministry of Education , gets N265.4billion .

Others include , Ministry of Power with N264.2billion , Government-owned Entetprises N820.9billion , TETFund N665billion , Housing and Urban Development N96.9billion , Water Resources N87.7billion and Police Atfairs N69billion .

The National Assembly under statutory transfers , gets N198billion , Niger Delta Development Commission N324.8billion , Universal Basic Education N251.4billion., National Judicial Council N165billion , North-East Development Commission N126billion and Basic Health Care Provision Fund N125.7billion

Under Capital Supplementation , Zonal Intervention otherwise called constituency projects for federal lawmakers , gets N100billion , Special Projects N108billion , Contingency ( capital) N200billion , Aid and Grants funded projects , N685.6billion and National Social Investment Programme Agency N100billion among others.