Reps Assure Speedy Passage of 2024 Budget, Compliance with Finance Act

The House of Representatives on Tuesday assured Nigerians of its resolve to ensure speedy passage of the 2024 Appropriation Bill when presented to the parliament.

The Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations, Hon. Abubakar Bichi, gave this assurance in Abuja during the inaugural meeting of the Standing Committee.

He vowed to exercise its oversight jurisdiction over relevant government agencies in monitoring budget implementation.

Hon. Bichi reiterated the House’s readiness to sustain the Financial Year Act through the budget passage on or before December 31 of each financial year, thereby ensuring budget implementation from January to December was operational and achievable.

He vowed that the panel would monitor implementation by all the ministries, fepartments, and agencies (MDAs), stating that the committee’s work was not just about budget appropriation.

Noting that the Appropriations Committee stood as one of the most prominent committees that championed the course of lawmaking through appropriation of funds, Bichi observed that the panel would facilitate strategic meetings with chairmen of Finance, National Planning, and Aids, Loans, and Debt Management committees.

He said the move was to gather data that would facilitate the effective functioning of the committee, ensuring inclusive budget preparation, appreciable implementation, and effective oversight.

His words: “It is significant to note that the Appropriations Committee stands as one of the most prominent committees that champion the course of lawmaking through appropriations of funds to run the affairs of the government by Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) of the Federal Government.

“This makes the Committee enjoy a wider jurisdiction in comparison with other Standing Committees.

“More significantly, the Committee is empowered by Order 20, Rule 15 of the House of Representatives Standing Orders, 10th Edition, 2020, as amended, to coordinate, monitor, and supervise the implementation of all Appropriation Acts after passage by the National Assembly.

“This power will be effectively utilised to exercise oversight jurisdiction over relevant agencies such as the Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Accountant General of the Federation, and the National Economic Intelligence Agency, among others, to monitor the budget implementation.

“In furtherance of this significant duty, the Committee’s leadership will initiate a strategic meeting with Chairmen of Finance, National Planning, and Aids, Loans, and Debt Management to gather data that will facilitate the effective function of this Committee in ensuring inclusive budget preparation, appreciable implementation, and effective oversight.

“In addition, the Committee will ensure the sustenance of the long-established and cherished precedent of ensuring compliance with the Financial Year Act through the budget passage on or before December 31st of each financial year.

“This development will no doubt make the budget implementation from January to December operational and achievable”, Bichi said.

Hon. Bichi further assured that the panel would ensure its coordinating leadership role to facilitate pre-budget meetings with relevant MDAs while at the same time ensuring sustainable collaboration with its sister committees in the Senate and other relevant stakeholders.

He added: “You may agree with me that the mandate of this committee requires serious commitment, diligence, and political will. I have no doubt that the calibre of members assembled in the Committee will promote its image through the effective delivery of its core and ancillary mandates.

“I am glad to inform you that the leadership of the Committee will utilise your experience, hard work, and passion for national service to discharge the functions of the Committee by ensuring the effective appropriation of funds, monitoring budget implementation, and evaluating the budget performance towards efficient service delivery.

“This will no doubt promote the implementation of the legislative agenda to reposition the House towards ensuring peace, order, and good governance in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“I, therefore, solicit your support, cooperation, and patronage to make the Committee lively, productive, and visible within the National Assembly and beyond.

“The Committee’s leadership will regularly consult the leadership of the House for necessary legislative guidance while ensuring harmonious working relations with relevant committees and other stakeholders to ensure speedy passage according to the budget calendar.”

Members of the Standing Committee also adopted the annual work plan, including stakeholders’ engagement with the Budget Office of the Federation, Ministry of Finance, Budget & National Planning, Office of the Accountant-General, and Debt Management Office (DMO), among others.

The lawmakers also aligned with the work plan on the review of the budget proposal with a view to ensuring accuracy and completeness; reformating into a formula-driven template; designing reporting templates for sub-committees; production of copies of Appropriation bills; and distribution to members to enable the scrutiny of the budget proposal before the date slated for the Second Reading, among others.