By Olu Oyeyemi

This makes a mountain out of a mole hill. There were more brutal exchanges between James Callaghan as PM and Margaret Thatcher as leader of Conservative Party (a position that Kemi now holds) between 1975 and 1980 before Thatcher herself became PM.

After Margaret Thatcher became the PM, Michael Foot and his successor as Labour Party leader, Neil Kinnock gave her the battle of her life and gave Thatcher many ugly sobriquets.

Michael Foot never got to be PM. So was Neil Kinnock who succeeded him as Labour Party leader.

What happened between Kemi and Keir is not new. It is part of “politics.” It was not the first between them and it would not be the last. Neither is it going to be the last in British politics because many more of it would still come long after Kemi would have left the scene.

I know many of her detractors are waiting for her to fail, but all of the detractors and her enemies might yet be surprised. And even if she doesn’t become the PM she would not be the first leader of the Party not to make it to PMship.

Thus, celebrating an exchange on the floor of parliament as a “take down” of Kemi Badenoch seems malicious and a boondoggle. Simply because she refused to be what you guys want her to be, you are angling for her disgrace and failure. But she is going to remain what she wants to be no matter whose ox is gored and no matter how much you bellyache.

Kemi Badenoch is fulfilling her DESTINY. Nothing any of you detractors or enemies as the case may be, could do to stop her.

Ègàn kò pé k’Óyin má dùn.

Àbá sì ni Ikán yín ndá, kò leè jé òkúta.

A very proud Yoruba daughter. We are very proud of her too.

Long live Kemi Badenoch!!!