Nigerian lawmakers seek Canadian intervention in genocidal threat case

August 29, 2024

By Samuel Ogunsona

Members of the Nigerian House of Representatives have written to the Canadian government, urging them to take swift action against Patience Amaka, a Nigerian resident in Canada, who allegedly threatened to poison Yoruba and Benin ethnic groups in Nigeria.

The lawmakers’ letter, dated August 28, 2024, requests the Canadian authorities to prosecute Amaka for her genocidal threats and also consider extraditing her to Nigeria to face justice

The Representatives’ action follows widespread outrage and condemnation of Amaka’s alleged statements, which many deemed a hate crime and a threat to national security.

“We cannot tolerate such incendiary and dangerous rhetoric,” said a House of Representatives members.

“We urge the Canadian government to take this matter seriously and ensure that Amaka faces the full weight of the law.”

“We request that the Canadian government issue a public condemnation of Ms. Sunnberger’s actions to reaffirm Canada’s commitment to combating hate speech, violence, and genocide,” the letter read.

The Nigerian government’s move highlights the growing concern about hate speech and its potential to spark violence in the country.