Jonathan Drums Support for State Police

Former President Good luck Jonathan has drummed up support for state police, saying that if it must be holistically implemented, the Independent National Electoral Commission must be rejiged.

This is also as he emphasized that the state police if implemented must not be used against or to the advantage of any political party.

Jonathan stated this at a one-day national dialogue on state policing held by the House of Representatives in Abuja.

“The issue today is very critical. One thing is that we don’t need to debate on whether we should have state police or not. I think that matter has been concluded. The issue is the operations of the police.

He said “So if we are talking about state police, we must also rejig INEC and the police must not be used against or to the advantage of any political party.

“The issue of the voting, the polling booths of INEC and the use of police during elections has to be reviewed by the National Assembly.

“Even in polling units in our country, this is the only country I visited that has isolated polling units. Most other counties I go to observe elections, they have polling centres in a primary school or secondary school and within that polling centre they have five to ten polling units within the centre. I just flew back from Senegal.

“You see the police are always at the gate. They don’t go into the compound. They don’t go even where votes are taking place. The citizens are also disciplined enough not to behave in a way that would attract the police. we must find a way to make the use of police for elections very limited. Not what we hear today that security operatives have seized materials.

“So the national assembly needs to look into all these. These are the areas that we have to concentrate. The issue of the need for states to have their own police is not negotiable. There is no way we can continue this kidnapping that is going on in this country.”