If Israel Fails, We Are Next – Mosab Yousef, Son of Hamas Founder

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, spoke out at the UN on Monday about the horrors perpetrated by Hamas.

Youssef spoke on Hamas terror attacks, such as suicide bombings carried out against Israeli civilians, and their indoctrination of the population in Gaza, especially children.

In this video excerpt, he called out Hamas of gambling with people’s lives for political gain.

Yousef said the game plan of Hamas had always been to sacrifice thousands of life and Israel took the blame, adding this was why they dug tunnels under schools and hospitals.

He also pointed out how they misfired rockets to bring down a hospital and put out a propaganda to blame the destruction on Israel.

Yousef said if Hamas was not eradicated, it would be an inspiration for all radicals around the world to blackmail the world and bring democracy on their knees.

He concluded by saying “if Israel fails in Gaza, all of us, will be next.”