How Yellow, Notorious ISWAP Terrorist Was Arrested by Troops in Adamawa

Saidu Hassan Yellow, a notorious terrorist recognized as one of the top commanding officers of the Islamic State of the West African Province (ISWAP), has been arrested.

Going by reports, the attack on Askira town on November 12, 2021, which resulted in the deaths of three soldiers and the Commander of 28 Task Force Brigade while enforcing a counter-offensive operation against the terrorists, was planned and executed by the 32-year-old terrorist also known as Abu Saidu.

According to a publication released on Wednesday by Zagazola Makama, a well-known counter-insurgency specialist and security analyst in the Lake Chad region, intelligence sources indicated that the terrorist was recently captured by the soldiers of 144 Battalion, Operation Hadin Kai, stationed in Madagali, Adamawa State.

He claimed that the Nigerian military had Abu Saidu on its watch list as one of the most wanted terrorists.

Makama further explained that on April 9, 2024, the troops conducted a sting operation at the Mubi Market general area, leading to the capture of the ISWAP commander.

Three cell phones, three ATM cards, a wristwatch, four rings, several keys, and N1,900 were among the items found on the suspects.

The terrorists have been forwarded to the military high command for scrutiny and profiling.