Ex-lawmaker, Sidi Ali Dies at 86

26th April 2024

A Second Republic lawmaker and veteran journalist, Sidi Ali, died on Thursday evening at the age of 86 in Kano State.

Ali’s death was disclosed by a family member on Friday.

The elder statesman, also the father of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s acting Director, Corporate Communication Department, Hakama Sidi-Ali, was devoted to the service of the nation, particularly in the realm of public information.

A human rights activist and former lawmaker, Shehu Sanni who posted on his X handle on Friday, described the deceased as a human library who could recall every event in Nigeria’s history.

“I received the sad news of the demise of renowned elder state man, author, journalist, politician, and historian, Alhaji Sidi Ali. The late Sidi a human library was a human library and prolific writer. He was a man who could recall every event that happened in Nigeria till late independence. A great loss. My condolences to his family and people of Kano State,” he said.

Ali served at the Nigerian International Press Centre, the Ministry of Information and the National Broadcasting Commission.

As a respected politician, he held membership of the All Progressives Congress and actively participated in the party’s Elders Committee in Kano State.