Presidential Jets: Abiodun Consults FG as Utomi Challenges Amosun

August 19, 2024
By Adedoja Adesoji

Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun, has engaged the Federal Government to address the ongoing dispute with Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. concerning the contentious Ogun Free Trade Zone.

Abiodun reportedly conferred with senior federal officials on Thursday, while Political Economy professor Pat Utomi accused former Ogun State governor Ibikunle Amosun of canceling his property agreement with the state government.

Several Ogun State officials, who chose to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the matter, confirmed that Abiodun traveled to Abuja last Thursday to discuss the issue of the seized presidential jets with federal authorities.

“The governor visited Abuja last Thursday regarding this issue. Ogun is taking a leading role in ensuring a swift resolution.”

Abiodun’s efforts to address the Ogun FTZ conflict became publicly known amid Utomi and Amosun’s dispute over a terminated property deal.

Utomi posted on on Saturday, detailing his own struggles after Amosun allegedly canceled a contract he had with the state government, resulting in significant financial loss.

He recounted how he had to repay substantial loans after Amosun allegedly nullified his contract, and responded to Amosun’s admission that his contract cancellation had led to the seizure of three presidential jets in Europe by a court order.

The Chinese company, Zhongfu International Investment FXE, recently obtained a French court order to seize the jets due to their business dispute with the Ogun government.

Amosun stated that he terminated the contract with the Chinese firm in 2016 upon discovering false claims from the company.

In response to Amosun’s admission, Utomi commented: “So, it was Gov Amosun’s breach of contract terms set by his predecessor that led to the disgrace of the jets’ seizure. I hope he is proud of this outcome. This is a case of Karma at play.

“The Chinese were not the only victims. Another prominent Ogun indigene reportedly committed suicide due to a similar action by Amosun. I, too, was affected. I had leased OPIC land in Lagos under Gov Daniel’s BOT agreement, which Amosun halted upon taking office. I called him, but he claimed he couldn’t find my name on the list.

“If this happened to Frieda, I wonder what others were experiencing. I lost valuable partners and had to work hard to pay off loans. The Chinese leveraged their situation and exposed the shame.”

Reacting to Utomi’s comments on Sunday, Amosun accused the academic of making unreasonable demands following the property deal’s revocation.

Amosun claimed that Utomi invested less than N50 million in the revoked property and alleged that Utomi attempted to coerce him into paying N200 million, which he refused.

Amosun criticized Utomi for having an ‘entitlement mentality’ and mentioned that the House of Assembly had blacklisted Utomi for allegedly engaging in dubious transactions.

In a statement on Sunday, Amosun addressed Utomi’s posts on X, explaining that the Ogun State House of Assembly had previously declared Utomi persona non grata.

Amosun said, “Before I assumed office, the House of Assembly had already blacklisted Utomi. When I became governor, I called Utomi out of curiosity, as I wanted to understand why he was blacklisted despite his recognition.”

“He informed me of a controversial construction project on an Ogun State property in Lagos. I sent a verification team, which reported that the construction was inappropriately located and suggested an alternative site. However, Utomi preferred the original location for its visibility. My team assessed that the investment did not exceed N50 million. I then visited the site myself.”

“It was evident that the work was hastily completed to preempt the incoming administration. To prevent waste, I committed to refunding N100 million instead of Utomi’s N200 million claim. Despite his continued pressure, I did not agree to the full amount.

“Utomi later attempted to influence me through his Centre for Value in Leadership, offering an award, which I initially declined. Eventually, I attended the CVL Solution Conference Series, where I received a plaque but maintained my stance on the refund.”

Amosun continued, “Utomi later complained publicly to tarnish my reputation. When I addressed him, I found his claims unsubstantiated. He even boasted about his identity, which I ignored, as I believe in equal treatment for all.”

“I challenge anyone, including journalists, to visit the site and verify the N200 million investment Utomi claims. The project’s benefit to Ogun State is questionable.”

Amosun defended his actions, stating he served Ogun State with integrity and stands by his decisions, regardless of opposition. He likened Utomi’s claims to those of Zhongfu International Investment FXE, calling them unfounded and disgraceful.

The former governor dismissed Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. as an imposter, asserting that their contract was canceled following proper procedures and favorable court judgments.

He emphasized that for Nigeria to improve, consistent legal application is essential, regardless of status, and warned against allowing misinformation to mislead the public.