Man Alleges Carnage on Plateau Were “Retaliation” by Fulani for Rustling of 17 Cattle

In a post published today, A man on X Handle, Umar Sani [@UmarSanithecat], outlined the causes of the latest plateau killing, which has claimed the lives of over 200 people.

He describes how the Fulani launched a “retaliatory attack”, calling in reinforcements from their networks, that resulted in the massacre of over 195 natives after the natives had rustled 17 cattle belonging to Fulani community.

He wrote: “I stumbled on this narration of the unfortunate Plateau incident giving a different insight into the genesis of the problem and why the Fulanis struck in a WhatsApp social media group. I must add that this does not in any way suggest my views on the carnage as such a bloodbath stand condemnable more so as human life is sacrosanct.


“Umu, below is a summary of what happened on Christmas Eve during the Plateau massacre this is in no way a justification for the carnage but people must appreciate the background cause;

” Seven days before Christmas some of the natives stole seventeen cows belonging to the Fulanis. This theft was reported to the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of the affected area, but nothing was done, the affected complainants proceeded and made the same complaint to the affected local government chairman who promised to look into the matter but he never did. Some of the stolen cows were seen in some of the houses of some natives.

“In trying to track the rest of the rusticated cows, one of the Fulani boys was spotted, shot, and killed, by the natives. Two months before the massacre the natives kept on harassing the Fulanis to leave “their land”.

“Two days to Christmas while the Fulanis were away, the natives stormed their residents with Jerry cans full of petrol and started setting their tents ablaze driving the women and children away with the assistance of other cooperating natives from far and wide, while this arson was ongoing the wives of some of the Fulanis were able to call some of their husbands to come back home to salvage the situation to protect and defend them.

“So around 6 pm of the same day, most of the Fulanis were back home, having appraised the situation and the extent of damage done, they were quick to circulate and extend their network for reinforcement to their neighboring Fulanis, while the battle line was drawn and hostilities ensued which went on throughout the night.

“The Nigerian Army (soldiers)were around but were unable to come to the rescue of the affected victims because of the Rocky terrain and poor accessibility.

“This is the truth and genesis of the entire situation. Kindly forward to major social media platforms, so that people can get the background and the genesis of the problem.