Gate of Return: 4th Diaspora Festival

The 4th Diaspora festival to restore that which was lost has been held in Badagry in Lagos State.

Honourable Abike Dabiri Erewa, chairman of Nigerian Diaspora Commission, graced the event.

Other dignitaries at the event were Otunba Deji Osibogun; Oba of Badagry, Oba Babatunde Akran; Marcus Garvey’s son- Julius Garvey; Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of Nigeria; Dr Chief Anderson and many prominent people from all the different geo-political zones of the country .

It’s an event that sought to correct the errors of the past and relocate our people to our consciousness as a people with culture, heritage and history.

Diasporans rate the 4th Gate of Return a huge success, Abike Dabiri encouraged the organisers to make it an annual cultural festival in Badagry.

Connecting Santeria/Candomble Afrocarribean ( Yorùbá- Òrìṣà & Catholicism syncretism) Religions adherents and Yorùbá/Lucumi/Nago descendants in Americas and Caribbean and their Roots- Yorùbá Community in the Homeland ( NIGERIA 🇳🇬, Benin Republic & Togo).

Imagine a mechanism such as visa on arrival policy for visiting tourists?

Imagine we have seasonal international cultural and festive activities to attract hundreds of thousands every year ?.

Imagine we grant permanent residency to those willing to invest at least $50,000 in Nigeria and most importantly South-West?

Imagine we really make it easy for these people to trace their roots?