Why FUTA’s First Hostel Was Named After Akind-Deko

June 10, 2024

By Adedoja Adesoji

High Chief Dr. Gabriel Akin-Deko was a Nigerian building contractor and former regional minister for Agriculture in the Western Region of Nigeria. He was also a personal friend of Chief Obafemi Awolowo.

Akin-Deko was born in Igbotu, Ondo State, Nigeria by Idanre parents. He attended St Peters, Lagos, for primary education and for secondary education, he went to Government College, Ibadan (GCI) and completed his studies in Nigeria at the Yaba Higher College in Lagos where he obtained a teaching certificate. He started work as a teacher at the Government College, Ibadan, teaching mechanics and applied mathematics.

In a few years, he developed an interest in building and in 1947 went to the Brixton School of Building in London. He later started his own building contracting firm. However, in the 1950s, he was persuaded by his friend, Obafemi Awolowo to join politics and in 1956, he heeded Awolowo’s advice and contested and won a seat in the regional House of Assembly, from where he was made the regional Minister for Agriculture.

Later in his career, he was the African regional representative at the Food and Agriculture Organization and was also the pioneer pro-chancellor of the Federal University of Technology, Akure. He also served as pro-chancellor of University of Ibadan and University of Benin

He was the pioneer pro-chancellor of FUTA (1981 – 1983) and the university named its first male hostel after him as a way of commending his contributions to a well-laid foundation on which FUTA now thrives.

Sources: Wikipedia, FUTA.edu.ng