Urgent Tasks for New Education Minister

I say congratulations to Prof. Tahir Mamman on his appointment as the new minister of Education for our great nation of Nigeria.

As a concerned citizen and advocate for quality education, I would like to bring to your attention some crucial tasks that I believe should be prioritised to improve our educational system.

Firstly, empowering the Local Government Education Authorities is fundamental to any education reforms. We must strengthen the involvement of the LGEAs in the delivery of basic education. By working closely with these authorities, we can ensure that resources are allocated effectively, infrastructure is improved, and education is accessible to all children, regardless of their socio-economic status. There’s a need for the establishment a strong collaboration between the federal and local levels. LGEAs should play a major role in school supervision and quality assurance because they are closer to the grassroots. They should be empowered with quality staff and resources to supervise schools, ensure curriculum delivery and learning outcomes.

Secondly, promoting literacy development should be systematically addressed. To address the challenges of low literacy rate in our country, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive literacy development plan. Setting clear benchmarks for literacy achievements at each State Universal Basic Education Board will provide a roadmap for improvement. With a focus on early reading interventions, literacy programmes, and teacher training, we can equip our children with the essential skills needed for their personal and academic growth.

Thirdly, revitalising teacher training and welfare should also be prioritised. Teachers are the backbone of our educational system, and we must invest in their professional development and improve their welfare. The recruitment process should reflect the quality of teachers we need. We need the best hands in basic education. We must create opportunities for continuous training and professional growth to enable teachers to deliver high-quality education to students. Additionally, an improved welfare system, including fair compensation and support services like housing, transportation and decent teaching spaces, will boost their morale and commitment to shaping the future of our nation through education.

It is known for a fact that establishing a comprehensive book policy to guarantee access to quality educational materials is crucial for the holistic development of our students. So, I urge the new education minister to prioritise the design and implementation of a book policy for basic education in the country. This policy should ensure that every child has access to well-curated, up-to-date, and diverse educational resources. By collaborating with publishers, educators, and stakeholders, we can create a stimulating learning environment that fosters curiosity and a love for learning among our students.

Dear Minister of Education, by addressing these tasks and implementing effective strategies, we can revolutionise the educational landscape in Nigeria. Through your leadership and dedication, we have the potential to provide equal educational opportunities for all children and nurture a generation of confident, skilled, and empowered individuals.

I trust in your commitment to make a positive impact on our educational system. May your tenure be marked by transformative reforms and the pursuit of excellence in education. Together, let us shape the future of our nation through quality education.