Traders Fear Disease Outbreak Over Refuse Heap in Ogun Market

Traders in Agunloye Market in Ado in the Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State have appealed to relevant government agencies to clear the heap of refuse in the market.

They said if left unattended to, the situation might lead to outbreak of diseases in the market.

When our correspondent visited the market on Thursday, it was observed that the heap of refuse was at the centre of the market with stench oozing from the heap.

The market leader of Ado-Odo, Babatunde Bakare, noted that the stench coming from the refuse heap had deterred customers from patronising the market while residents in the area had also complained of health issues occasioned by the refuse.

Bakare said: “We have made efforts to call on the government, most especially those in the area office close to us, to see ways they can help us to evacuate the refuse because it has deterred people from patronising the market because it is closer to the foodstuffs stand.

“Also, the refuse heap is about 20 metres away from houses across the market. If you get to our health centre, there are several reports of health issues, which have been linked to the refuse dump. Although the market activities come up every five days, the dangers of the odour coming from the market has put residents at health risks.”

Bakare appealed to the state governor, Dapo Abiodun, and the local government authorities to come to their rescue by evacuating the refuse to save the community from airborne diseases and food poisoning.

A community leader who identified herself simply as Mrs Amoleogun said that whenever it rained, the odour became unbearable for residents of the area.

“We are appealing to the government to come and help us to clear this refuse. We are at risk of diseases because of the odour that comes from the refuse heap especially when it rains. We have reached out to local authorities but nothing has been done,” she said.

The community youth leader, Adelaja Adeyinka, urged the government to come to the community’s rescue to avert outbreak of diseases.

“Government should come and help us to evacuate this refuse so that cases of disease spread can be averted,” Adeyinka said.

The local government Chairman, Sheriff Musa, did not respond to calls made to his line while the mobile line of the Press Officer, Ogun State Ministry of Environment, Rotimi Oduniyi, was switched off as of the time of filing this report.