The Olubara, Oba Jacob Omode, firmly warns that those who meddle with his remains will meet the same fate as his.

During a conversation with a reporter in Ibara, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oba Jacob Omode, the Olubara of Ibarala, issued a stern warning to traditionalists regarding the treatment of his body after his passing. This warning was delivered as part of the commemoration of his 30th anniversary on the throne.The Olubara revealed that in the past, when an Oba passed away, their limbs would be severed and their head potentially buried within the palace. However, Oba Omode insisted that his body should remain intact upon his demise, emphasizing that anyone who mutilates his body or engages in any wrongful actions would meet the same fate.Furthermore, he expressed his desire to be taken to the public cemetery when the time comes, stating that he has already acquired the burial space and prepared the grave. He informed his people to take him to the church and pray for him, regardless of whether his prayers would be answered or not.Additionally, the Olubara disclosed his refusal to participate in cult activities as part of the traditional rites before his installation. Despite facing significant pressure, he decided to abandon the process and return to Lagos because, as a Christian, he could not serve any other deity.Despite the threats that he would not have a long reign, the Olubara celebrated his three decades as an Oba by relying on fasting and prayer. He firmly believes that God created him and will determine the time of his departure, expressing gratitude for defying the order to join the cult and surviving to this day.To maintain a strict sense of self-discipline, the Oba revealed that he has not eaten outside the palace since 1992 and has refrained from attending parties or social gatherings.Furthermore, Oba Omode commented on the diminishing values of the traditional institution, even advocating for its abolishment at one point. He questioned the relevance of monarchs if they can be deposed and suggested scrapping the institution altogether.At the age of 90, Oba Omode recently celebrated his milestone birthday, marking nine decades of life.

Olubara of Ibarala, Oba Jacob Omode, has issued a warning that traditionalists who interfere with his body after his passing will meet the same fate. The Olubara delivered this stern message during a conversation, as part of the celebrations marking his 30 years on the throne.During the discussion, Oba Omode shared that in the past, when an Oba passed away, it was customary to sever their limbs and potentially bury their head within the palace. However, he firmly stated his wish for his body to remain intact after his demise. He emphasized that any individual who dares to mutilate his body or engage in any inappropriate actions will face the consequences of joining him in death.Additionally, the Olubara expressed his preference to be taken to the public cemetery when the time comes. He disclosed that he has already acquired the burial space and prepared the grave for his final resting place. Oba Omode instructed his people to take him to the church and pray for him, regardless of the uncertain outcome of those prayers.Moreover, the Olubara shared an intriguing aspect of his personal journey. He revealed that he defied the pressure to partake in cult activities as a requirement for his traditional rites before his installation as Oba. Instead, he chose to abandon the process and return to Lagos, as his Christian faith prevented him from serving any other deity.Despite facing threats that his reign would be short-lived, the Olubara celebrated his three-decade tenure as an Oba by relying on fasting and prayer. He firmly believes that his life and destiny are in the hands of the Almighty. He expressed gratitude for defying the order to join the cult, and he credited God for his continued presence and survival.In terms of personal discipline, the Oba shared that he has maintained strict habits since 1992. He disclosed that he has not eaten outside the palace premises since that year and has refrained from participating in parties or social gatherings.Furthermore, Oba Omode expressed his concerns about the declining values within the traditional institution. At one point, he even advocated for the abolishment of monarchies, questioning their relevance when monarchs can be easily deposed. He suggested that the institution be completely scrapped.Recently, the Olubara reached the remarkable milestone of turning 90, commemorating nine decades of life and experiences.