In Response to The Northern Consensus Movement, Pan Yorubá Organisation, Think Yorubá First releases a Press Statement

On behalf of Think Yorùbá First organization worldwide we want to irrevocably put the world to notice as regards to the press conference that was done by some people from the northern part of Nigeria as regards to giving Yorùbá ultimatum to relocate out of the core Northern states.

The reason they gave for issuing this threat was that Chief Sunday Igboho gave ultimatum to Fulanis living in Òyó state to vacate Yorùbáland as a result of the recent attack of armed Fulani herdsmen on Nigeria security personnel and Yorùbá farmers in Iwere Ile two weeks ago.

Upon carrying out our investigation on the Fulani ultimatum statement ascribed to Chief Sunday Igboho, we found that the accusation was false.

Therefore we are calling on all Nigerians to join us in calling the northern provocative group called Northern consensus movement to order. We are publicly admonishing them to stay away from using half truths and lies to overheat the political climate in Nigeria.

What we expected the Northern consensus movement to do is to condemn the activities of killer herdsmen in Yorùbáland not politicising the insecurity in the land.

We are using this medium to call upon President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to look into the frequent attacks on Yorùbá people by fringe groups, who had turned our country side to hunting ground for innocent lives, and are constantly harassing and killing our farmers. We look forward to the promise of the president to ensure that each ethnic group is able to have their own rooms in the one house Nigeria.

May Olodumare continue to bless the entire Yorùbá race.

Yours sincerely,
Think Yorùbá First organization worldwide