Penile Erection Beyond 30 Minutes Harmful to Men, Professor of Surgery Warns

He stressed that such prolonged states of arousal are not only purposeless, but could also be detrimental to men’s health.

In a thought-provoking presentation at the 250th Inaugural Lecture of the University of Ilorin, Professor Ademola Popoola, a distinguished figure in the Department of Surgery, shed light on the dangers of prolonged penile erection during sexual intercourse.

Titled “That All May Pee in Peace,” Professor Popoola’s lecture emphasized the potential harm in maintaining an erection for more than 30 minutes.

He stressed that such prolonged states of arousal are not only purposeless, but could also be detrimental to men’s health.

“A person who experiences an erection exceeding 30 minutes should seek immediate medical attention,” urged Professor Popoola during his lecture.

Highlighting the urgency of the matter, he emphasized the need for competent medical intervention to abort the prolonged erection promptly.

According to the expert, this intervention was crucial to safeguard subsequent penile functionality and health.

While discussing the significance of penile turgidity for satisfactory sexual intercourse, Professor Popoola cautioned that prolonged erections could lead to fractures or breaks, with the right side of the penis being more susceptible to ruptures based on research findings.

Transitioning from this concerning issue, the professor drew attention to the potential complications in urination, emphasizing that what should be a normal bodily function might turn problematic over time, posing serious threats if not addressed promptly.

Professor Popoola, an esteemed educator within the Faculty of Clinical Sciences at the College of Health Sciences of Unilorin, outlined various causes contributing to challenges in urination among women.

These causes ranged from abnormal shifting of the uterus to uncommon factors such as urethrocele, perforation ovarian teratoma, and anteverted uterus.

His insights shed light on critical health concerns often overlooked, urging both men and women to be vigilant about their sexual health and seek timely medical attention when facing such issues.

The lecture provided a valuable platform to raise awareness and encourage proactive steps toward maintaining urogenital health, emphasizing the significance of early medical intervention to mitigate potential risks associated with prolonged penile erection and urinary complications.