Iron Rod Dealers Want End to Substandard Products Import

Iron Rods and Steel Dealers Employers Union of Nigeria has appealed to the Federal Government to stop importation of substandard steel products into the country.

The union in a statement signed by its President, Chief Gbenga Awoyale, made available in Ilorin Kwara State, commended the 10th House of Representatives for taking bold steps against proliferation of substandard products, which had over the years threatened the safety and growth of Nigerians and Nigeria’s economy.

While reacting to a motion on notice which sought to curb the proliferation of substandard steel products in Nigeria, sponsored by Hon. Aluko Yinka, which was unanimously approved during one of its plenaries, he said the development stood the 10th Assembly out as one truly committed to the greater good and welfare of the people.

He noted that the proactive approach of the 10th National Assembly to curb the rising surge of substandard steel products which had resulted in several building collapse claiming lives and fortunes across the country was well acknowledged.

The union as a critical stakeholder had been at the fore-front of the fight against substandard steel products without necessary governmental support, he noted.

He said: “While the resolve of the House of Representatives to stop the compromising of prosecution of those found culpable in the act of manufacturing substandard steel products through effective enforcement is highly commendable. We are open to collaboration with the 10th NASS for the conduct of a thorough oversight that will rid Nigeria of substandard steel products and guarantee the safety of lives and properties of Nigerians.”