Hoodlums Attack Bus, Cart Away Christmas Gifts Meant for Ibadan Mogajis

Some hoodlums in Ibadan attacked a bus carrying Christmas gifts meant for family heads (Mogajis), carting away the donations.

The incident occurred at the Oja-Oba area of Ibadan while the bus was making a U-turn.

The donor’s identity remains undisclosed.

The bus, en route to the Olubadan’s Palace from Beere, was led by the Mogaji of Onilari Compound, Nurudeen Akinade.

Following the incident, arrests have been made, and the case has been reported at Mapo Police Station.

According to a source, “The hoodlums attacked the bus carrying some Christmas gifts meant for some Mojajis in Ibadan at Oja-Oba. We were able to make some arrests after the incident. The hoodlums carted away the gift items donated to the Mojajis. I cannot say who is the donor. I don’t know if it is government or an individual that gave them. We have reported the case at Mapo Police Station. The bus was carrying items like rice, chicken, and groundnut oil. We were able to recover some items during the search of some shops in the area.”