TCN Disputes IBEDC’s Allegations, Asserts No Responsibility for Supply Failure

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has firmly refuted claims made by the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) regarding the failure to meet estimated hours of supply to customers’ feeders.

TCN’s General Manager of Public Affairs, Ndidi Mbah, addressed this issue in a rejoinder titled: “IBEDC’s publication on estimated hours of power supply.”

Mbah clarified that the publication circulated by IBEDC on April 9, 2024, accusing TCN of responsibility for the failure, was incorrect.

She emphasized that after thorough investigation, it was found that the feeders mentioned in the publication are not part of TCN’s network but are operated by IBEDC.

These feeders, predominantly 11kV, fall entirely outside TCN’s operational control.

The reasons cited for the outage on IBEDC’s 11kV and 33kV networks, namely earth/over current faults, were deemed to have no connection to TCN’s frequency control operations.

The verification process carried out by TCN’s regional management in Osogbo, in collaboration with IBEDC officials, confirmed the inaccuracy of IBEDC’s claims, prompting the need for corrections.

In response to what it perceives as misinformation by IBEDC, TCN reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring a robust and efficient power supply, aligning with the government’s objectives.

TCN assured the public of its dedication to effectively transporting bulk electricity from generating companies to distribution load centers across the nation.