Shun Ungodly Route to Stardom, Be Agents of Change, Kumuyi Tells Youths

27th April 2024

The General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor (Dr) William Kumuyi, has charged youths to shun ungodly routes to stardom.

Pastor Kumuyi who gave the charge during a Youth Impact Academy on the sideline of his on-going global crusade at Aba, Abia State, rather urged youths to be agents of positive change.

The cleric charged them to be diligent, focused and make godly choices for true greatness.

Speaking on the theme: ‘Living Like Profitable Stars in Our World,’ Pastor Kumuyi challenged youths to take after some Bible characters like Samuel, Timothy, and Ruth among others, who positively impacted their world by godly choices they made.

He also urged youths to believe in themselves and imbibe the “I can do principle”, and never give up easily nor give reasons for failure.

The cleric further challenged youths to prepare themselves for leadership by making right choices and having their eyes on the ball.

He declared that anyone who followed the principles of the Bible characters, including setting the right priorities, diligence and perseverance would end great.

Pastor Kumuyi urged youths to shun distractions and ungodly lifestyles capable of ruining their destiny.

He further noted that godly choices would always attract God’s favour for a successful life.

Narrating how God used an atheist to sponsor his university education, where he made First Class, became a lecturer and was now a preacher, Kumuyi reminded youths that God could use any channel to bless those faithful to him.

According to him, God’s favour was readily available to those who prepared for it.

He said: “There is no way anyone can become a star if they remain in the same level of growth.

“Many years ago, I didn’t know I could take the principles and apply them to myself until the Lord showed me and I said I can. That’s when a new journey began. Also, to you, the day you change from I cannot to I can, you know that God begins with you.”

Kumuyi, who said that a godly attitude was the key to stardom, charged youths to engage in services that would impact society positively regardless of the religious or ethnic background of the beneficiaries.

“Attitude is what makes us attain greatness in life. Those without gratitude or fortitude also lack attitude,” he said and urged them to be bold and decisive in marriage and management of resources”, he said.

Kumuyi urged youths to be passionate about their vision, saying “progress stops in a life when passion and drive die”.

“If you are too choosy and will not adjust easily, you will not make it to stardom. You must be active in bringing others to a better destiny”, he added.