Labour Movement Tables Request Before President Tinubu

Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has called on President Bola Tinubu and other political leaders to use the festive period to seek creative measures to lift Nigerians out of the present humongous suffering and hardship.

According to the NLC, instead of handouts, Nigerians expected from government concrete actions with solid results.

In it’s Christmas message titled ‘AT CHRISTMAS: MAY OUR HOPE BE IN CHRIST’, the President of the NLC, Comrade Joe Ajaero, said “Despite the difficulties that many of us have faced and continue to endure, let us remember the essence of Christmas – a time of reflection, gratitude, and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. His teachings emphasize love, compassion, and the enduring power of hope even in the face of adversity.

“We must do everything to love ourselves as workers and as a people. It is only in dwelling in unity that we can build the needed strength to for a better nation.

”However, one of the best ways to demonstrate love is to have an understanding that we are one. We are workers and we are the masses. We are bound together by oppression, fear, deprivation, misery, poverty and helplessness.

“This perception will become so powerful that it molds and builds us into a powerful force that cannot be broken which can then be used to create liberty and free ourselves from the shackles of the forces of retrogression.

“We must therefore not allow ourselves to be divided along any lines at all, be it ethnic, religious or communal lines. This season must teach us that we are one!

”Nigerians should be allowed to win in accordance with the teachings of Christ because it is the essence 0f leadership. It is only in allowing transparency and good conscience in governance that effective results can be delivered to the people. “Beggaring the people insults their sensibilities but creating effective platforms to enable the people unleash their robust energies for wealth creation is what the people are asking for and this to our minds is not rocket science.

“Our leaders should therefore seek to put smile on our faces and pursue things that offers hope to the people and not policies that demoralizes and eviscerates.’’